My current pet project is coming along quite well: the implementation is complete up to chapter four (Scanning). More importantly, the AoRTE proof (absence of runtime errors) is also completely done. The only shortcomings are a handful of package bodies that are compiled with SPARK_mode => off: Ada.Command_Line and SPARK.Text_IO come to mind.
A few days ago, Bob has published the fifth chapter of his book. It is mainly about theory, and the only code it contains is a tool that generates source code for a part of the interpreter (the type hierarchy of the abstract syntax tree).
I thought about this for a while, and came to the conclusion I would not follow his path. Instead, I planned to write the types by hand. Here is why: generating source code is not really a problem, and since the generator would not be part of the final program, I would write it in plain Ada (without proving anything). The resulting code, however, would be part of the interpreter and thus needs to be proven. I could add the necessary annotations by hand, but that would defeat a big advantage of the generator: one can make changes at a high level (namely, change the input to the generator) and regenerate the sources. This is fine for ordinary languages, but it will kill my hand-written annotations.
Meanwhile, about a dozen Lox ports have appeared on github. I looked at all those I could find, but nobody seems to have written code related to the new chapter. Either the other developers have not yet found the time to implement the generator, or they, too, have their doubts.
Somehow, this lack of activity has prompted me to revise my decision: I will implement the generator, and I will generate annotations as well. After all, this project was meant to help me learn something new, and to be a challenge. But what good is a challenge unless it is challenging?
This should keep me busy in the coming days (I have not yet written any code for the generator). A quick Google search tells me that I can build multiple executables from the same project with GNAT, so that simplifies things on the organisational side.
Watch this site (or better yet, github) for updates!
10.39 pm Kommentare deaktiviert für Generation Loxvon kirjoittaessani